Business Innovation

Business Innovation, to Coles College for Business, is more than a buzzword; it’s a part of our DNA.

Every business wants to lead the way, to innovate through their products, practices or services and set themselves apart from competitors, but despite that desire true innovation can be a challenging thing to attain.

At Coles, we have studied business innovation for more than a decade. We know what separates innovation hubs, like Apple, from companies just trying to keep up. More importantly, we can help apply those methods to your company, spurring an atmosphere of vision and ingenuity. We can show you how to generate new ideas, how to determine which part of your business model they fit, and how to create acceptance for the winners.


The Potential to Be Great

In 2006, Coles College, in collaboration with BusinessWeek magazine, began a study on the current state of innovation among 513 companies. From that study, and after four years of thorough research, we developed an online instrument, The Innovation Assessor, which a company can use to assess its potential to be a leading innovator in its field. It is the only diagnostic online tool of its kind, and is easy to use in any organization.

The Report Card on Innovation report view The Innovation Assessor flyer

The First Metric

Many companies want to be innovative, yet very few pursue it systematically, measure it, create teams around it, or reward it. Others start and stop, but to succeed, innovation must be a continuous effort. No matter where you are in creating an innovative company, the first thing you should measure is where your organization falls on the innovation scale.

Ten Critical Variables

To learn how you can use the Innovation Assessor to measure the ten critical variables for innovation in your company, contact us below.

Harry Vardis

Phone: 404-285-1086.